Organization Responsibilities Towards Customers

Organization Responsibilities Towards Customers

An Organization responsibilities Towards Customers varies from company to company.  The existence of a business is dependent on its harmonious relationships with various sectors of society. It is because a firm is a social institution. This relationship emerges from the firm’s positive responsiveness to various social segments and is closely related to the tasks that a company is expected to perform. As a company, you must always keep in mind that the customer comes first. The understanding of the customer’s needs is the starting point for any business firm, and the firm’s primary responsibility is towards the customer.

Quality Product at Reasonable Price


A company’s primary responsibility to its customers is to ensure that the desired quality of product is easily available to them at a reasonable price.

One of the most important concerns is the quality of a product, which includes the design of the product, its safety and purity, durability, the quality of the materials used in its production and its hygiene, and its aesthetic appeal.

Quality characteristics differ not only from one individual to the next, but also from society to society due to varying social, cultural, and economic values. Even if you produce high-quality goods, if they are priced significantly higher than the market rate, you will have difficulty finding buyers. It is your responsibility as an organization to provide the appropriate balance of quality and price.

Following the determination of product quality and price, your next responsibility is to ensure that your product is easily and conveniently accessible to your customers.


Correct information of Products

You are also responsible for ensuring that your dealers or retailers provide the correct information about the product to the customers.  You need to confirm that they are charging the correct price and correct weight or quantity.  It is also mandatory requirement to provide proper after sales support also. You can accomplish this by providing a complaint channel with the goal of developing a long-term, dignified relationship with your customer. Any grievance or complaint received from a customer will be verified and forwarded to the appropriate departments as soon as the grievance report is received, and the customer will be updated on the status of the complaint on a regular basis.

As an organization, you must provide accurate information about your product’s content, how to use it, potential side effects, and so on. This can be accomplished through advertising, packaging, or labeling, or by including a leaflet inside the product package. It is one of the most important factors influencing the Buyer Decision Process.

As a part of  Organization responsibilities Towards Customers,  you need to ensure you promote only on the basis of real and not imaginary benefits of your products and services.


Proper Training to Customers

If your product requires proper training to use, you must train your customers on how to use it effectively. In order to establish brand authority, you should prioritize customer product training. It is a great way to reduce customer support interactions while increasing customer retention.

You must avoid making false promises and commitments in your product or to your customers that you know are difficult to fulfill.

As part of social responsibility towards customers you should not produce or market products or services which are unethical to society.

In short, your commitments to the customer as an organization are to deliver high-quality products with high performance and to ensure quality and contract fulfillment in a timely manner.

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